The Net is an equippable item in Hello Kitty Island Adventure that allows you to catch bugs and other critters around the island. If you want to become the bug-catcher extraordinaire of your dreams, you’ll want to focus on getting one as soon as possible in the game.
The net’s function is straightforward: It allows you to catch bugs (and other critters) and store them in your inventory. Like any other resource in the game, there are different ways to use these critters. You can gift creatures and use them to level up your Friendship Level with other characters. You can also donate insects and critters to the Nature Preserve in exchange for rewards.
Getting the Bug Net involves a larger quest in which you also unlock the Nature Preserve in Spooky Swamp. This guide will explain how to unlock the Net (or bug net) in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and how to open Nature Preserve in Spooky Swamp along the way.
How to unlock the Net Hello Kitty Island Adventure
To unlock the Net in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you’ll first need to complete the “Power Up the Gate” quest. You’ll also need to open the Nature Preserve and craft the Net Plans recipe.
Completing this quest will unlock the rest of the island and allow you to access the quest and characters needed to get the item. Once you have completed the Power Up the Gate quest, head over to the Halloween-themed area called Spooky Swamp on the Eastern side of the map.
How to open the Nature Preserve in Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Once there, walk around until you find Keroppi the frog. He moves around a bit but I found him in the woods south of the graveyard and the hedge maze. You can also check his location on the map. To do that, open your map and toggle the “character” icon filter to the on position. You know it’s on when the filter is turned to blue and you can see icons of Sanrio characters on the map.
Once you find Keroppi, you will need to give him gifts to reach Friendship Level Two. Gift him enough items to establish friendship and get him to Level Two Friendship. You only need to get him to level two, so even items rated for One Heart will be enough to level him up. Keroppi likes items from the swamp, so run around and grab some lotus blossoms in the surrounding area to gift him.

Image: Sunblink via Polygon
Reaching Friendship Level Two will unlock a quest called: “Open the Nature Preserve.”
To complete the quest, head over to the eastern side of the island near the Nature Preserve waypoint. Approach Keroppi who is waiting just outside the big building that looks like a museum. Once he sees you, it will prompt a dialog scene with him and he’ll enter the fancy building. Follow him into it.

Image: Sunblink via Polygon
- Chat with Keroppi and he’ll tell you to find a Swamp Habitat Critter List. Open your map. There should be a circle marking a small zone just southwest of the building called Lilypad Lagoon. Go to it.
- Head over to the large tree within the marked area of the map. You can find the Swamp Habitat there. It doesn’t look like a book but you can see an image of its location embedded below.
- Return to the Nature Preserve building and place the item you just collected in front of the door marked with a moon. It will open the door to your first habitat in the Nature Preserve.
How to craft the Net Plans recipe
Remember Badtz-maru, who helped you get a Fishing Rod? He’s gonna help you again. Travel back to his Comics Stand near the Resort Docks waypoint. Talk to him and he will give you the Net Plans crafting recipe.
Now hike (or transport) over to Chococat’s camp near the Resort Gates waypoint. Use his crafting table and you will see a new craftable item: the Net. Select it.
Crafting a Net requires the following material: Ten stick, three thread, and one light stone. If you need a light stone, Kuromi will give it to you as a thanks when you bring her a gift. Craft the net once you have gathered the needed materials.
Now it’s time to meet up with Keroppi and Badtz-maru to catch some bugs. Travel back to Spooky Swamp and follow the path west from the Nature Preserve waypoint to meet up with the two.
Once you find them, it will initiate a series of scenes where they teach you how to catch a frog. Equip the net and swipe up a Lily Frog for them. Once you do that, head back to the Nature Preserve one last time.
Donate your freshly caught Lily Frog by talking to the slime character that in the main lobby. Once you donate it, you’re free! You have a net to swipe up all the creepy crawlies you could ever want and have unlocked the Nature Preserve.